Featured Digiprove User – Lori Corbett, ChaoticSoul.us
Our featured user this month is Lori Corbett, an artist, colour theorist, graphic designer and blogger who writes about her experiences and art making process on ChaoticSoul.us. She is also a self proclaimed maker of “stupid”: “Absurdity is my companion. I can morph the Everyday Ordinary into the Monumentally Stupid. Scary fast.”
“Chaotic Soul is basically a chronicle of my creative life. It’s the sister-site to my art portfolio site, Whispering Eagle Studio. I wanted another venue for sharing the creative process – both struggles and successes. In other words, a glimpse into my thoughts on making my art – warts and all. Then there’s the silly stuff that happens…the morphing of the Everyday Ordinary into the Monumentally Stupid. Terrifyingly fast. It’s an inseparable part of who I am, these little side trips.”
Lori spends a lot of time crafting her content, and she’s had some of her stories plagiarised. It was a heads up from a friend that one of her stories was on another blog that sent her looking for a solution. Something that would not only help prevent theft, but would alert her if it happened again. The first discovery of theft was purely accidental, and like most of us, Lori doesn’t have time to be constantly checking where her stories may pop up. In Lori’s words:
“With Digiprove, I’ve got a silent partner working behind the scenes for me, so I can get on with making art, and writing about it.”
Lori’s other websites include Color Theory Rocks; a website completely devoted to color theory and the online course she offers in the same.
So if you’re interested in art, carving, color or just looking for a funny read, check out ChaoticSoul.us. You’ll either wind up inspired or laughing, possibly even both.